Vreemde plaatsnamen in Vlaanderen

Iedereen kent wellicht ‘Kontich’ en ‘Reet’, maar in Vlaanderen hebben we nog veel meer merkwaardige, onverwachte, en vaak grappige plaatsnamen. Heb je bijvoorbeeld ooit al gehoord van Buitenland, Dikkebus, of Grote Homo?

In dit kaartje zetten we de vreemdste namen van Vlaamse gemeenten, dorpen of gehuchten voor jou op een rijtje. Veel zoekplezier!

Ontbreekt er nog een merkwaardige plaatsnaam? Laat het me dan zeker weten op koen@baryon.be.

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Birthday heatmap

How common is your birthday?

Not all birthdays are created equal... in fact, for most countries in the north temperate zone, more people are born in summer (May - August) than in winter (October - January). This heatmap allows you to check how popular your birth date is. It shows the number of people in Belgium for each specific birthday.

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Visualizing complexity by Superdot: interior

Visualizing Complexity: Dataviz book review

Visualizing Complexity is a great new data visualization book published by information design Superdot. Here's our verdict.

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This chart is trying to trick you

The original chart in this example is trying to suggest a strong correlation between sugar intake and obesity in the US between 1980 and 2000. It does so by carefully choosing the vertical axis ranges and scaling so both lines nicely fall on top of each other.

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Books on a bookshelf - infographics resources

Research visuals: all the resources you’ll ever need!

If you want to start creating clear and attractive visuals about your research, but don't know where to start, this page is for you! Here's a complete overview of tools, resources and inspiration you can use as a starting point for your designs.

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Small datasets to practice your data visualization skills

When you're teaching data analysis or data visualization, or when you're learning new data visualization tools and techniques, you might be looking for datasets to practice with. Here are some great starting points.

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Graphical abstract for Ghent University PSYNC research

How to create a graphical abstract

Graphical abstracts are becoming more and more important. Journal publishers such as Elsevier encourage you to create a concise visual summary of the main findings of your research. But where to start? What steps should you follow to create the perfect graphical abstract for your article? What tools can you use?

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Every now and then we send out a newsletter with latest work, handpicked inspirational infographics, must-read blog posts, upcoming dates for workshops and presentations, and links to useful tools and tips. Leave your email address here and we’ll add you to our mailing list of awesome people!