The challenge

Konnekto is a small team of experts dedicated to support companies and organizations planning to transform, grow or innovate. In particular, they guide you through the landscape of subsidies, grants and other types of government funding to bring your company to the next level.

Unfortunately, the subsidy landscape in Belgium is – to say the least – complicated. There are opportunities on many different levels: local, regional, federal and European. Some are available for all companies, some only for small ones. In some cases you need a partnership with another firm before you can apply. And in most cases, you need to deliver and defend an extensive proposal.

To give their clients a straightforward insight into this pandemonium, Konnekto was looking for clean and effective visuals. Fortunately, turning a complex mess into a powerful visual is one of our favourite things (after Nutella).

Konnekto logo

The process

We set out to gather all available information about the most important subsidy instruments available in Belgium. Thanks to our background in business we were able to quickly grasp the essence of this complex landscape, and identify the crucial parameters which should be reflected in the final visuals. We also dug through reports by the Flemish government and the European Commission in order to find some key information to flesh out the visuals.

To ensure that the subsidy infographics would be in line with Konnekto’s branding, we chose to use circles as the key distinctive elements to build the graphic. We mapped the available visual variables to the different key parameters: location to the stage of the organization, size to the relative importance of the instrument, color to the topic, etc. After some iterations, we arrived at a lay-out which was able to give a clear overview of the entire subsidy landscape at a glance.

The result

By now, we have already created multiple subsidy infographics for Konnekto, giving an overview of the entire landscape by topic and by TRL (Technology Readiness Level), as well as reports on the result of important subsidy opportunities such as the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument. Interested to check out these visuals for yourself? Hit up Benoît, Ruth or Winnie at Konnekto and find out which subsidy opportunities are available for your organization 😀

Do you want to create your own infographic with us? Find out how we can help you.

Konnekto infographics in real life

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