Graphical abstract for Ghent University PSYNC research

How to create a graphical abstract

How to create a graphical abstract

Graphical abstracts are becoming more and more important. Journal publishers such as Elsevier encourage you to create a concise visual summary of the main findings of your research.

But where to start? What steps should you follow to create the perfect graphical abstract for your article? What tools can you use?

On this page, you’ll find an overview of tips, tools and inspiration to create your own graphical abstract for your next article. Let’s show the world what your research is all about!


Workshop VUB LSM PhD Day (March 30, 2021):

Digital tools to create graphical abstracts

You can use almost any graphical tool you want to create a graphical abstract. You could even use just pen and paper, if you like – the story is the most important part of the visual, not the artistic quality. Use the tool you know best, or feel the most comfortable with!

Here is a list of tools to get you started:

Illustrations and icons to use in infographics

Photos to use in graphical abstracts

Color schemes for graphical abstracts

Creating graphs and maps for graphical abstracts

Books that can help you create better visuals

  • Infographic designers’ sketchbooks, Steven Heller & Rick Landers
  • Storytelling with data, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
  • Trees, maps and theorems, Jean-Luc Doumont
  • Visual thinking, Willemien Brand

People on Twitter talking about information design

Blogs about information design

Wrapping up

Did we miss something? Which indispensable resource did we miss? Make sure to let us know at!

Also, feel free to check out our other resource guides:

Books on a bookshelf - infographics resources

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